So here we are, back in Cheltenham UK after an incredible time in Iceland! We’ve been having some down time the last few days and we’re ready to go again, next stop Spain. If we had our time over, we probably would have not planned so much time in between trips – we are finding that we are getting extremely bored very quickly and there’s not a whole lot going on in Cheltenham.
So we have been filling our time with catching up on emails, chatting to people on skype/facebook (which as you know, can take up half the day), washing, cooking and other boring stuff. In some ways, I actually like having some days of normality in between being so completely outside of my comfort zone, just not too many that boredom sets in, like now!
We’re driving to Plymouth, UK on Wednesday (Nov 4) and heading to Bilbao, Spain on a 35 hour ferry ride. This ferry, a P&O cruise liner has a cinema, restaurants, casino, health spa, gym and shopping so I’m thinking we may not want that 35 hours to end! Whilst in Spain we will be staying with our couch surfer friends (the same couple who stayed with us in Oz) in Gijon, Asturias and during their week off work are going to show us around and make sure we’re introduced to amazing food and wine! Wooooo! Can’t wait to delve into the Spanish world of culinary delights!!
Not sure how long we will stay in Spain, but the plan is to drive back to the UK through France, wine regions etc.
Today, we were studying our phrasebook to learn some Spanish because it sort of hit us that we probably won’t be able to communicate with anyone there if we don’t! Ahh! We have actually known that for quite some time, but we’ve been a bit slack and I guess you could say that it’s crunch time! Nothing like a deadline to motivate you hey! Trying to roll my tongue today for some of the ‘r’ words was nothing short of hilarious!! I can’t roll my tongue to save my life!! Of course I will keep giving it a go, even if I am a source of entertainment! I will admit that we buy a ‘point it’ book today to use as a last resort if someone doesn’t have the foggiest what we’re trying to say. ‘What’s a point it book’ I hear you ask! Well lets just say that it is a whole book of pictures of things you may need that you can point at instead of trying to work out how to ask for it. Yes, very slack but could prove to be handy.
This will be our first experience of being immersed in a non-english speaking environment…….should have some good stories to tell from this one! Haha
Til next time,
Sal x
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