Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Camping Royalty

Camping in Innsbruck for 2 nights was like staying in a 5 star hotel, but sleeping in a tent outside. Yeh, I realize that sounds like an oxymoron, but the facilities at this campsite almost made us feel like royalty…apart from having to do our own dishes of course. Seriously though…a brand spankin’ new building with automatic doors to toilets, personal basins inside shower cubicles, a bench to sit on while in the shower, hairdryers with huge mirrors and chairs and a plasma screen to tell you the weather forecast. Sleeping outside was not a problem, especially when we were greeted by views of the Austrian Alps tipped with snow as we peered from our tent in the morning. Who needs a balcony in a 5-star hotel when you can eat, sleep and play right in the middle of the view. As far as we were concerned, we were royalty! Well…almost.

The royal campsite


Gwen Pittaway said...

that would have been fantastic waking up to a view like that one, and the facilities sound great too, automatic doors to the toilets, wow that is posh!

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